PREGNANCY + RV LIFE with Krista Happ (@happyhealthycasita)


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Would YOU sell everything, move into an RV and travel when you’re 27 WEEKS PREGNANT?! 😱

Yeah, me neither! 

But that’s exactly what this week’s guest did 👇

Krista Happ has been traveling full time in a fifth wheel toy hauler with her family since 2021. They welcomed their second child a few months after they hit the road! Her family has a heart for flipping the narrative that full time travel is something you enjoy once your kids are grown. Additionally, Krista enjoys sharing how everything from building community to living holistically is possible in this lifestyle if you make it a priority!

This conversation with Krista covers:

🤰🏼 infertility → pregnancy

👶🏼 bringing new baby home to an RV

🍎 finding high quality food in food desserts

🚐 how to meet families on the road

➕ And much more

Connect with Krista and her family online at @happyhealthycasita on Instagram and Facebook!


GROWING HAPPE-NESS + RV LIFE with Brooke Happe (@b.e.happe)


HIPPIE VIBES + RV LIFE with Lia Eyre (@llamallamaadventure)